Healthcare Side Hustles: Boosting Income on the Road

Healthcare Side Hustles: Boosting Income on the Road

If there’s one thing that most people want, it’s a quick side hustle for some extra cash! To make it easier, we created a list of options that coincide with your travels and assignments already so you can make some extra cash without having to stress. Follow along for some fun and stress-free ideas!

Travel Referral Bonuses 

This is by far the easiest way to get some extra money into your pocket! Our agency, Skyline Med Staff, offers a $500 referral bonus when one of your referrals completes a 13 week assignment with us. The best part? You don’t even have to be a Skyline Med Staff traveler to recommend someone! Learn more and give a referral here. 

Telemedicine Consultations

Telehealth services are on the rise, which means that with the power of technology, travel healthcare professionals can capitalize on their expertise by doing virtual consultations in their free time. By collaborating with telehealth programs, you can not only gain some extra cash but also keep your skills sharp while on the move. Whether you’re stowing away in a big city or taking in the sun at the beach, you can still make an impact all with the click of a button! 

Blogging and Content Creation 

Every travel healthcare provider has their fair share of stories and experiences under their belt- so why not gain a little money for it? By sharing your wealth of knowledge through a blog or social media platform, you can create a stream of income! Affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and partnerships with brands related to your niche can generate revenue just by posting about the job you love. 

Online Tutoring and Continuing Education

Your wealth of knowledge has some other ways to make cash! Leverage your experience by tutoring online or creating educational courses/resources for students trying to take their next steps into the world of nursing. Platforms like Teachable or Udemy make it easy to sell courses on various topics, which means you can help your healthcare community while getting compensated. 

Travel Photography and Videography

Do you take photos of the beautiful sights you find while on assignment? Well, why not get paid for it? By selling high-quality photos to stock photography websites, you can get a little extra money in your pocket just for using a photo that you were going to take anyway. 

Embracing a side hustle can open up exciting opportunities for traveling healthcare professionals, which is why we wanted to help with this list. Of course, it’s important to keep the balance between a side hustle, free time, and your career, but once you find it, you’ll be so glad you started. Good luck!

Ready to take the next step and start a new travel journey? Check out our website to get connected with a recruiter and learn how to make these adventures your reality. We got you covered with free health insurance, stipends, referral bonuses, and more!

Contributor: Tristen Menichetti